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Tshibaka: “It’s Time for a Change” on taxes and regulations

Kelly Tshibaka continues to unveil her “It’s Time for a Change” agenda

Alaska Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka today unveiled principles and proposals to reduce taxes and regulations in order to promote economic development and affordable housing under her “It’s Time for a Change” agenda. Inflation is crushing family budgets, Alaska’s resource industries are under assault, and the American economy has entered President Biden’s recession. Alaskans can see that incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski sides with President Joe Biden and has enabled his disastrous agenda.

“The Washington, D.C. elites are striking deals behind closed doors that will increase taxes on almost everyone, while they are quickly generating more and more regulations that make it increasingly difficult for people to feed their families or afford a place to live,” Tshibaka said. “Many times, the best thing that government can do is get the heck out of the way, but Lisa Murkowski spends all her time supporting Joe Biden and enabling his radical agenda that’s killing us. When I’m Alaska’s next senator, I will always put the needs of local working people ahead of the interests of the D.C. insiders.”

As part of her “It’s Time for a Change” agenda, Tshibaka made the following pledges regarding taxes and regulations:

  • I will advocate for a review of all the federal regulations that make it harder to rent, buy, and sell a home, and I will push to reduce tax burdens on homeowners. If we are going to revive our economy, we need to have enough affordable homes to house all our workers and our growing workforce.

  • I will fight to simplify the tax code and cut unnecessary funding to the Internal Revenue Service.

  • I will faithfully implement conservative fiscal principles by voting to reduce taxes, regulations, and stimulus spending. I will insist that we reduce regulations and red tape to help unleash our entrepreneurial potential, unburden our businesses, and revive our economy. For every new regulation a federal agency creates, it must eliminate at least 2 or 3 existing regulations.

  • I will always fight to cut unnecessary government spending and push for Congress to pass budgets on time. The national debt has exploded by over $24 trillion during Lisa Murkowski’s tenure and her time on the Senate Appropriations Committee. When government grows, freedom shrinks. Instead of shrinking Alaskans’ freedom, I’m committed to protecting and restoring it. Future generations of Alaskans should not pay the price for the reckless spending Lisa Murkowski has enabled.

  • I will advocate for policies that promote fair trade and support business tax exemptions and policies that incentivize employment.

  • I will fight to level the playing field by implementing the equivalent of tort reform for environmental litigation.

Tshibaka, who was born and raised in Alaska, has spent her career exposing fraud and abuse in government and served as Commissioner of Administration for the State of Alaska until she stepped down to announce her campaign. Her father was a union electrician and Vietnam War veteran, and her mother was one of the first workers at the startup of Prudhoe Bay, one of Alaska's large oil fields. Her parents were homeless for a time in the 1970s but fought their way into the working class.

Tshibaka graduated from Steller Secondary School in Anchorage and was the first in her family to pursue a college degree, beginning her studies at the University of Alaska Anchorage before graduating from college and law school. She lives in Anchorage with her husband, Niki, and their five children.



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