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Alaska GOP condemns Mitch McConnell false ads against Tshibaka in support of Murkowski

The Alaska Republican Party has voted overwhelmingly to condemn Sen. Mitch McConnell for spending millions of dollars in false, negative attack ads against Kelly Tshibaka, the official Alaska GOP-endorsed candidate for the U.S. Senate. McConnell’s ads lying about Tshibaka are intended to boost incumbent Sen, Lisa Murkowski, who has been a key ally for Joe Biden and recently endorsed a candidate for the House of Representatives who would support Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.

Tshibaka today issued the following statement:

“There is no longer a doubt that Lisa Murkowski is wearing the jersey of the D.C. establishment, aligning herself with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell, and has abandoned any pretense of being on Alaska’s team. Murkowski warned us that the Lower 48 would be trying to grab our Senate seat in this election, but what she didn’t say was that the dark money interfering in our race would be trying to help her keep her desperate grip on the Senate seat she’s held for 21 years.

“Lisa Murkowski cares more about her standing in D.C. social circles than she does about the people in Alaska she’s supposed to represent. It’s why she has enabled Biden’s energy- annihilating agenda that is crushing Alaska workers and families, and it’s why Murkowski is pulling for Pelosi by sending her another foot soldier while every other Republican is trying to stop Pelosi's radical, leftist agenda.

“The millions of dollars Mitch McConnell is spending on lies about me could be put to better use in other states where a Republican has a chance to beat a Democrat. And the Alaska Republican Party has just told him to butt out of our state.”



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