Kelly Tshibaka statement on Murkowski’s announcement that she will seek re-election
November 12, 2021
Kelly Tshibaka, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Alaska, today issued the following statement regarding Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s announcement that she will seek re-election in 2022:
“It’s now official that Lisa Murkowski won’t relinquish the Senate seat her father appointed her to 20 years ago, but it’s just as clear that Alaskans are fed up with her. Alaskans know that she has turned her back on us, and that she cares more about Washington, D.C. insiders than she does about the people of her own state. It’s why her fundraising is fueled by elite powerbrokers and why she has attracted virtually no support from actual Alaskans.
“Even the Alaska Republican Party has overwhelmingly censured Murkowski, told her not to identify herself as a Republican in Alaska, and instead endorsed my candidacy over a year before the election. She has been an enthusiastic enabler of the radical Biden administration that is devastating our energy industry and ruining the Alaska economy. She has consistently cast votes that gain her favor in D.C. cocktail parties, but wreak havoc on workers back home in Alaska. And she actively worked against President Trump, whose policies were the best that Alaska has ever known.
“The recent elections showed that Americans nationwide reject the vast overreach of government and want their elected leaders to defend them from the radical policies coming from Joe Biden’s administration. Lisa Murkowski has served as Biden’s Chief Enabling Officer and has done nothing to stop him from harming our workers and families.
“I am running to give voice to the people of Alaska, because I want to stand up for them like they have stood up for me. It’s time for new conservative leaders with courage and common sense to lead our nation forward, and I stand ready to step into that responsibility.”